
7 SEO Stats On Global Internet [Infographic]

Posted By: Arin Dey - September 11, 2014
SEO is the first and foremost criteria for visibility on search engines. Also it is not the only thing that plays into rankings, other sources involve here, mainly content, social media, link, and various other factors. Lets see how the following seven SEO stats taken from overall net usage on different platforms and for reasons.

7 SEO Stats On Global Internet [Infographic]

Using different algorithms, search engines determine what websites will be ranked highest; the more effective your SEO is, the more chance you have of ranking higher. However, SEO is just the foundation of being found on search engines, and is not the only thing that plays into rankings. This is where content, social media, link, and other factors come into play.
7 SEO Stats On Global Internet [Infographic]
Source : HubSpot

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