lot of people don't need hundreds of search engines, especially people
who are less tech savvy. All of the internet users want a single search
engine that delivers below features:
- More relevant and accurate results
- Uncluttered, easy to read interface and view
- Helpful options to broaden or tighten a search
Let us see how these below search engines serve the best to the internet users who are searching for information over web.
1. Google Search:
is obviously the king of search engines, and is the single most used
search engine in the world. Without any doubt, Google is fast, relevant,
and the largest single catalogue of web pages available since few years
2. Google Scholar Search:
Google Scholar
is a very special version of Google. This search engine is useful for
the people who are preparing and taking part in debates. Google Scholar
focuses on scientific and hard-research academic material that has been
subjected to scrutiny by scientists and scholars.
3. Yahoo! Search:
is not only a search engine but it has some other features also like;
news aggregator, a shopping center, an email service provider, a travel
directory, a horoscope and games center, and several other features.
4. Bing Search:
is Microsoft's product competing with Google, and considered as the
second-most-popular search engine today. Bing used to be MSN search
until it was updated in summer of 2009. Bing is growing and integrated a
lot of search features.
5. DuckDuck Go Search:
Initially, DuckDuckGo.com used to look like Google. But there are a lot of things that make this search engine different.
has some salient features, like 'zero-click' information. It means all
of your searched answers are found on the first results page. DuckDuckgo
offers disambiguation prompts that helps to clarify what question you
are really asking. Additionally, the ad spam is much less than other
search engines. It doesn't keep any private search results data into
their servers as it is very much concerned about the privacy and
security of internet users.
6. Dogpile Search:
was better than Google in early 90's because it was considered as the
fast and efficient choice for web searching. Later on, a lot of things
got changed in the late 1990's, Dogpile faded into obscurity, and Google
became king.
7. Yippy Search:
Yippy is
a Deep Web engine that searches other search engines for you. Unlike
the regular Web, which is indexed by robot spider programs, Deep Web
pages are usually harder to locate by conventional search.
8. The Internet Archive Search:
The Internet Archive
is the best loved search engine for longtime Web users. The Archive has
been taking snapshots of the entire World Wide Web for years now,
allowing you and me to travel back in time to see what a web page looked
like in 1999, or what the news was in earlier times, the stories maybe 2
decades ago.
9. Webopedia Search:
is one of the most useful websites on the web. Mostly people from
technology background love this search engines as it serves a lot of the
search purposes of those techies. Webopedia is an encyclopedic resource
dedicated to searching technology terminology and computer definitions.
10. Baidu Search:
a Chinese search engine, offers a lot of services for websites,
videos, multimedia files, news, translations and other useful functions,
as well as global mapping service Baidu Maps. Baidu was established in
2000 by Robin Li and Eric Xu. Both of the co-founders are Chinese
nationals who studied in Peking University and worked overseas before
returning to China. In December 2016, Baidu ranked 4th overall in the
Alexa Internet rankings.
11. Yandex Search:
is a Russian-established web index. This has turned into an
exceptionally well-known internet searcher in Russia and also popular in
few of parts of Europe as well. This search engine has 55-65% market
share of total Search market in Russia.
12. Wolfram Alpha Search:
Wolfram Alpha is essentially a computational learning motor that figures any information. But it desn’t mean that this web crawler is fundamentally for math nerds.You can even get some information about any reality, and this will give you the appropriate response. It has got an incredible processing feature that makes this web index additionally pulls your answer quickly.
Wolfram Alpha is essentially a computational learning motor that figures any information. But it desn’t mean that this web crawler is fundamentally for math nerds.You can even get some information about any reality, and this will give you the appropriate response. It has got an incredible processing feature that makes this web index additionally pulls your answer quickly.
13. Ixquick Search:
is one of the the best search engines if you are looking at the privacy
of users. With Ixquick neither of the points of interest of your list
items put away and no cookies are utilized. You can even set
inclinations. However, you have to reset that following 90 days as they
will be erased after that on the off chance that you are dormant for
this internet searcher.
14. Ask.com Search:
Ask.com was initially called as Ask Jeeves. This web search engine is still especially the main decision for some clients in the USA. It represents 3% of the aggregate. The prevalent of indexed lists are as yet not that sufficiently much to fulfill the searchers' needs.
you are looking at overall featured search engine, Google would be the
best search engine, but when you’re looking for its alternatives with
higher privacy and security, then I would prefer DuckDuckGo. I
personally like DuckDuckGo over other search engines. I'd like to know
your thoughts on the search engines, in case I have missed mentioning
anything here. Also leave your comments below.