
How To Select All Friends In Facebook

Posted By: Poketors - October 29, 2011
Most of time we have experienced that people having individual pages either for business or created for any purpose do try to get more friends to see that page. Since some times this could have done by the page admin but nowadays even page owner can't do it.

How To Select All Friends In Facebook
Image Credit : Google
So this is really a big pain in neck for those page owners who are trying to promote or share their page but due to this restriction of Facebook they can't do this. This issue can be ignores if we use the Google Chrome &  Mozilla Firefox extension which can be helpful in selecting all the friends at one time like shown below.

Here are the links for : Google Chrome & Mozilla Firefox
Add friends in Facebook

Here we need to
  • select the option “Select All”  as shown above
  • run the script in Mozilla Firefox, GreaseMonkey is required.

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