
How To Upgrade To iOS 5 Ignoring Errors

Posted By: Poketors - October 14, 2011
We all aware about the latest release from Apple i.e. iOS 5 and obviously you people have been trying to upgrade your iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch to the latest version. It is found that some unknown errors are popping out while upgrading to its latest version 5 with codes like 3014, 3200 or 3002. After doing some research we have found one simple way out to avoid these errors.
How To Upgrade To iOS 5 Ignoring Errors
Image Credit : Apple
As mentioned in the Apple website we have followed the same process to update iPad 2 with iOS 5 and the software installed in it without any issues.

iTunes Error
Image Credit : iTunes/Apple

Here are the simple steps to be followed to update :

1. Download the iOS 5 IPSW files from the Apple servers. 

2. Click the link that is required for your iOS5 device -
iPad update error
3. Now open the iTunes software to download the firmware. 
4. Close the iTunes software once download is over and also disconnect your iPhone / iPad from the computer. 
5. After you disconnect, copy and paste the IPSW file to the following location depending on the Operating Systems:

For Windows: %APPDATA%\Apple Computer\iTunes\iP{one|ad|od} Software Updates
For Mac: ~/Library/iTunes/iP{one|ad|od} Software Updates6. Now connect your iOS device to the computer via USB cable.
7. Open iTunes and click Update to upgrade your device to the latest i.e. iOS 5. 

Here, you can use the local .ipsw files and the upgrade to its latest version.

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