Internal marketing is normally known as online marketing which is basically web marketing or you can refer as e-marketing. It denotes the product or the services marketing on the web or internet. In the internet marketing some things are very necessary to promote and sales of your product. This is the reason we sometimes call it as search marketing.
There are mainly two methods of marketing:
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1. Online marketing
2. Offline marketing
Out of various internet marketing the following are of some types :
1. PPC (Pay Per Click) : In this advertisements of brands and products are there on different sites.
2. SEO (Search Engine Optimization): This is a process which can be effectively used to get your website listed better on different search engines.
3. SMM ( Social Media Marketing): With the help of several Social Media site we can promote and advertise product or service.
The following business models are considered in the internet marketing:
1. E-commerce :
This is a model where good are sold directly from seller to buyer or consumer.
This is a model where good are sold directly from seller to buyer or consumer.
2. Lead based websites :
Companies generate the value of products by using the prospects of that specific products or services.
Companies generate the value of products by using the prospects of that specific products or services.
3. Affiliated marketing :
This is one kind of marketing process in which products of a particular company are sold and the via website/mediator gets commission.
This is one kind of marketing process in which products of a particular company are sold and the via website/mediator gets commission.
4. Local Internet Marketing :
Using internet service budding companies make good relationships with the customers and accordingly they approach to customer with their product or service.
Using internet service budding companies make good relationships with the customers and accordingly they approach to customer with their product or service.
Some strategies of internet marketing are there and these techniques are used to increase your sales and value of product or services and resulting easy customer interaction.
- 1. Marketing via Social Media .
- 2. Online video and Impact.
- 3. Marketing in a virtual world
- 4. Online business networking
- 5. Web metric usage to improve your websites
- 6. E-marketer
Internet marketing started in early 90's but there were not much earning but it grew up and took its high within few years. Now in the second decade it reached more than $ 200 billion. Robert Cialdini, an expert on Internet Marketing has explained six principles which are mentioned as below:
- Commitment and Consistency
- Social Proof
- Authority
- Liking
- Scarcity
Above principles are the basics of e-marketing.
With it's huge popularity, there are some advantages and disadvantages of the internet marketing:
Advantages :
1. Market your products and services for free or at low cost.
2. Online you can sell anything at anytime.
3. You can get paid online.
4. You can go for online affiliated programs.
5. People share your knowledge on the other sites.
1. Confusion while shopping
2. Marketing skills required while doing Internet Marketing
3. Requires time to learn these concepts
4. There are several scam sites so some people don't prefer internet marketing.
5. Sometimes it is very difficult to pay money on these sites which are considered as a scam even if it's not.
So we have discussed about the e-Marketing and hope you can get the whole concept now to earn money online.