Online advertising is an immediate sale and requires less time whereas Social Media Marketing requires dedicated hours and the healthy relationships with connected networks. Social Media Marketing prospect could be considered as a lengthy process from individual contact to lead t o sales. Here are some steps :
1. Building Up Targets Audience :
Search for your potential target audience and build a list so that you can group them into categories such as locations, age, interests. Once you build the list, approach with relevant services to your audience.
2. Sharing Articles :
Never share only the sales oriented content over social media else people may tag you as a "only sales-man". Always share some articles from external source engaging the, reading interesting, relevant and valued article along with your own articles.
3. Following Audience :
If your products and services are relevant to people's needs and interests then they will start following you or your company. Follow them back to keep them tuned onto your company page.
4. Ask Questions :
If your product or services are relevant and are helpful to your audience then you can convert the sale by providing solution to their demands. Always keep asking questions about their problem and find solution for them. This help in knowing customer's need better.
5. Communicating Socially :
Social Media is a platform where you and your customer can be engaged and be social. You have to have approachable, friendly and social attitude so that people can easily communicate with you with their requirement.
6. Product & Services :
Once customer has a rough idea about your product and services and you are able to make a goof rapport with the connected people, start promoting your business precisely. People will be keen to know your products and services and how your company will fulfil their needs.
7. Signpost
While people are on Social Media platform, try to get their attention on your main company website. On your website you’re in more control and can start to signpost your customer for your sales by offering your product and services. Make sure the media channel - phone, email or chat by discussing with customer like how they want the service according to their preferences.
8. Detailed Offer With Customer Inquiry :
Once you make an offer, customer will have some questions like : How much does it cost? How relevant is the product for their needs? How much time will it take? After you convince customer with the relevant answers, then only customer will think of buying a product or services from you. So make your explanations and presentation ready for customers.
9. Keep Customer Informed :
Keep customer informed about any update related to your product or service and always answer to customer's query. Many people fail just because they don't follow up with their customers. Let customer know how they will get benefited according to their needs rather than explaining technical and excellent features.
10. Converting To Sale :
Once you have done with all the above steps, make sure to offer customer in a 1 by 1 approach way. Offer something today and follow up for the feedback and then go for the next. Likewise you can convert to sale.
Hope the above points are useful in determining sale over Social Media. Do you think any other approach which can be useful other than these 10 steps?