Selling users’ endorsements to advertisers or via ‘shared endorsements,’ Google will make use of users’ reviews, +1s, and other endorsements to add a personal touch to display ads.
Google is offering its customers the right to opt out of appearing in Google ads. Users can control the use of their profiles names and photos via the Shared Endorsements setting. Users who choose the ‘off’ setting will prevent their names and photos from appearing on any ad.

“We want to give you — and your friends and connections — the most useful information,” reads a Google post. “Recommendations from people you know can really help. So your friends, family and others may see your Profile name and photo, and content like the reviews you share or the ads you +1’d. This only happens when you take an action (things like +1’ing, commenting or following) — and the only people who see it are the people you’ve chosen to share that content with.”
“Feedback from people you know can save you time and improve results for you and your friends across all Google services, including Search, Maps, Play and in advertising. For example, your friends might see that you rated an album four stars on the band’s Google Play page. And the +1 you gave your favorite local bakery could be included in an ad that the bakery runs through Google.”
“If you previously told Google that you did not want your +1’s to appear in ads, then of course we’ll continue to respect that choice as a part of this updated setting,” Google said. “For users under 18, their actions won’t appear in shared endorsements in ads and certain other contexts."