
Microsoft Will Now Offer Windows Phone OS For Free

Posted By: Arin Dey - March 17, 2014
Microsoft is going to offer its operating system free for Indian smartphones companies. It competes with Google massively popular free operating system Android. Microsoft is keeping in touch with Indian phone companies since last year to produce affordable Windows Phone devices as per several internet source.

Microsoft Will Now Offer Windows OS For Free

Microsoft has agreed not to charge its usual licensing fee for the Windows Phone OS in Indian market. Microsoft has also declared a low-cost version of the Microsoft Office suite dubbed Office 365 Personal for smartphones.

Chris Schneider in a post on the Office Blog states that “It’s designed for an individual, allows for one PC or Mac and one tablet to be connected to the service and will be available for $69.99 USD/year or $6.99 USD/ month. We recognize that there are households of all shapes and sizes and we’re committed to delivering the right Office for everyone – whether that be one person or an entire household.”

Office 365 Personal would be released this spring. This is the latest version of Microsoft Office 365 Home. It provides five desktop and five mobile licenses for $99. It will include 60 minutes of Skype calls per month and 20GB of Microsoft OneDrive storage space. 

It seems that Microsoft has taken a very smart move with making its OS free  for smartphones.

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