Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts


Coronavirus (Covid 19) Impact On SEO [Infographic]

Posted By: Arin Dey - April 30, 2020
Most people would be able to guess that the travel industry has suffered the most with travel bans, restrictions and cancellations. There are massive shortages of essentials like toilet paper, hand sanitizers and face masks. Ecommerce sites with these essentials are in popular demand. People are craving for news feeds on government assistance and regulations. Health, food and recipe websites are also getting a good amount of traffic.

Coronavirus (Covid 19) Impact On SEO [Infographic]
What can you do in times like these?
  • Be positive, analyze the data and adjust your SEO or SEM campaigns on a regular basis.
  • Cut costs where possible and let’s get to basics by being lean.
  • Depending on your industry, you might want to focus on customer service rather than acquisition.
  • Be creative where possible and emphasize your deliverability. Help and support your community.
  • Last but not least, stay calm and stay safe! Keep your distance.
Coronavirus (Covid 19) Impact On SEO [Infographic]

Source: Pagetraffic

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