When Facebook, Google+, Twitter are rocking on the social network platform then why should StumbleUpon stop it from introducing some good stuff to its regular stumblers. Recently they announced some changes to be taken place after 24th October in regards to the pages, discover features and the entire look. Their main goal is to help you discover great things over web.
Now they are focusing on providing you a faster, better and more personalized recommendations and modified page so that when you click the "Stumble!" button you can get to know about more and more new contents on the web. So they are going to introduce a better discovery experience for you than they had till now.
The changes include removing Groups, discontinue the ability to select Themes and simplifying Blogging over StumbleUpon. These are the well known 3 key features which have been attracting a trillion of users over the world, but now they will go for changes and they claim that it will definitely allow you to better focus on using Stumble features. Will these changes make any difference?

Anyway we will discuss on these features on how these changes will make a better experience for you. Here we go:
1. Groups: Groups will be removed permanently from the site. Here you need to manually copy the things you want. But they will introduce export option too along with the other features.
2. Themes: The current theme what you have now will be changed to a default theme with a white background and black type. You can check your profile how it will look with the default theme, Click here to see.
3. Blog Posts: It will stop offering the HTML/Blogging functionality where you will still be able to access blog posts and reviews created till the date when they are rolling out the new StumbleUpon. The posts will appear in plain text format.
Note : You have the timeline till 24th October for using its present features and if required take a copy of the Groups and Blog Posts. Hope you are now ready to see the new StumbleUpon's Discovery better looks with great features.